Tuesday 10 February 2015

Elements of comparison.Traditions and customs in celebrating the biggest spring holiday for Christian countries and a summer one for Muslim countries

Simbols : Eggs, candlelight, Easter cross and Easter lamb,kozunak/sweet Easter bread/

Beliefs :  Eggs are a symbol of new life.They also symbolize the victory of good over evil. The winner in the ëgg fight- cracking eggs against one another - will be the most successful, healthy, or happy during the following year. …….
Activities:  On Holy Thursday women are  busy baking kozunak -  the traditional Easter sweet bread – and dough cookies and dying eggs. . On Good Friday   people go to Church and pass under a table covered with a large piece of cloth, “Christ`s cloak”, the one his body was wrapped in , after taking him off the cross, to stay healthy in the following year. 

Food and drinks  - eggs,kozunak, lamb or chicken stuffed with rice, lettuce salad .

Customs – decorate eggs. These Easter eggs have been decorated with Orthodox designs and symbols. Newly-weds visit their  “best man and maid of honour”( kumove),etc.

Religion  : It symbolizes the victory of of life over death. The crucifix is a cross with an image of Jesus' body hanging from it. It symbolizes the sacrifice, which Jesus did for humanity. An empty cross, without the figure of Christ crucified on it, reminds Christians of Jesus' victory over death and the new life and hope the victory brings to humanity. Easter is preceded by Lent. The last week of Lent is said to be the Holy Week and begins with the observance of 'Palm Sunday'. People carry flowers to church on Palm Sunday and on the way out they are given willow twigs to take home and make wreathes with. The holy week consists of many important events that lead up to Easter….

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