Thursday, 28 November 2013

Local community members are getting to know more about our Comenius

We have probably chosen the best way to address our local community -  by posters made by the team members and hung in each school building lobby, by messages and articles in the school web site and all the school blogs, e.g. the Student Council Blog, the Deputy Teachers` Blog, school and class Facebook pages, etc.
Our team members that are reporters for the school newspaper are preparing an article on the project and its development. The principal sent an article on the project and the 1st visit to a local media .
 Local authorities are informed on the project, too, by members of both the Student Council and the project team, who have regular meetings with the Regional Youth Council in the Municipality Hall .
We continue updating blogs with project information and advertising our project ideas everywhere we go - to competitions in neighbouring schools and places we have planned to visit on club meeting days like Europe Direct office, State Agency for Child Protection  , religious places like Dzhumaya Mosque, the Sinagogue, the central Roman Catholic Cathedral, etc..

Summary of the 1st visit

The first full project meeting was held at Kesämäenrinteen koulu in Finland from October 7th-11th 2013.
       There were teams from all eight partner countries present and, as this was the first time that all partners were together, time was spent on introductions and group-building exercises.
       The formal agenda items and discussion centred on organization of the project over the next two years. The proposed project structure was reviewed and amended to maximize student mobilities within the limits of the budget. Another issue raised was the importance of travelling students having the possibility to stay with host families in order to deepen the educational/cultural experience. The project website was established at and each partner country agreed to make their own national blog which would be linked to this website.
        In the discussions, Poland and Bulgaria said that they would have problems finding enough host families, while Romania asked to be included in the programme of visits. The Finnish team said that it would make a maximum of three visits because of its extra travelling costs (Northern location!)
         Effectively, Romania took the activities connected to the cancelled visit to Poland, while Poland took the activities previously allocated to Romania. Specific dates were made for the first three mobilities.
                  Romania 24.3-28.3.14
                  Greece 5.5-9.5.14
                  Turkey 29.10-3.11.14
and provisional dates for the last two 
                   Bulgaria 23.3-27.3.15
                   Spain 4.5-8.5.15
It was agreed that the host country would chair the respective project meetings.
          The overall atmosphere of discussion and joint decision making was very positive.

Thursday, 14 November 2013


Having all created a logo of their own, partners have to vote for the common logo now.

Bulgaria is excluded for Bulgarian members. So,

1. Click the following link:

2. Choose the best logo!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

YOU IN EU club and the Student Council in school announce the start-up of a series of competitions

YOU IN EU club and the Student Council announce a series of competitions to both prepare for main Comenius activities and mobilities and celebrate the 30th anniversary of our school.
 We launch a Bulgarian version of  Colympics and Comenvision to elicit the 6th person on the student member mobility team - the winner in each of the competitions.
Thus, we announce that from next week on
begins the 1. SOFRONIADA (Colympics)
It will pass through several stages,dedicated to different sports and age groups . The neighbouring schools have accepted our invitation to participate and have fun with us! Next week - volleyball!

In the 3rd week of December - 2) SOFRONIVISION  (Comenvision),
 a karaoke competition to serve at least 3 goals - FUN, elicit a WINNER and create a FESTIVE MOOD

In the end of February - a  3| SPEAKING CONTEST  !!!

                                               WELCOME EVERYBODY!