We have probably chosen the best way to address our local community - by posters made by the team members and hung in each school building lobby, by messages and articles in the school web site and all the school blogs, e.g. the Student Council Blog, the Deputy Teachers` Blog, school and class Facebook pages, etc.
Our team members that are reporters for the school newspaper are preparing an article on the project and its development. The principal sent an article on the project and the 1st visit to a local media .
Local authorities are informed on the project, too, by members of both the Student Council and the project team, who have regular meetings with the Regional Youth Council in the Municipality Hall .
We continue updating blogs with project information and advertising our project ideas everywhere we go - to competitions in neighbouring schools and places we have planned to visit on club meeting days like Europe Direct office, State Agency for Child Protection , religious places like Dzhumaya Mosque, the Sinagogue, the central Roman Catholic Cathedral, etc..