Sunday, 30 March 2014

Questionnaire on the 2nd meeting in Bucharest


1.    Участвахте ли в мероприятията на срещата наYouth Involvement In Europe в Букурещ?
  А) Да   Б) Не  В) В някои
2.  Участвахте ли в подготовката и организирането на мероприятията?
  А) Да  Б) Не  В) В някои
3)  Смятате ли, че тази среща има полза?
  А) Да    Б) Не  В) Отчасти
4)  По време на срещата  приложихте  и упражнихте следните умения :
  А) по английски език Б) комуникативни умения В) творчески Г) нито едно от посочените Д) всички от посочените
5)  Разчупиха ли срещите с връстници от други страни някои стереотипи и/или освободиха ли  Ви от някои предразсъдъци или комплекси?
А) Да    Б) Не В) Донякъде
6) Смятате ли, че тези срещи Ви направиха по-толерантни към другите,към културните и личностни различия?
А)Да   Б) Не  В) Донякъде
7)  Как ще определите срещата като цяло:
А) Ползотворна Б) Вълнуваща В)Незабравима Г) Скучна Д) Нищо особено  / можете да оградите повече от един отговор/
8) Бихте ли участвали в друга такава?
А) Да  Б) Не В) Може би
9) Смятате ли, че има полза от такива проекти?
А)Да  Б)Не В) Донякъде
10) Кое от мероприятията по време на срещата Ви хареса най-много?
А) Разглеждане на забележителностите на Букурещ
Б) Посрещането
В) Колимпиадата и спортните дейности
Г) Международния симпозиум в Двореца на децата
Д) Нито едно
Е) Всички
Ж) Друго
11) По-ясно ли осъзнавате необходимостта от популяризиране на европейските ценности чрез  различни форми на дейност?
А) Да  Б)Не  В) До известна степен

 Survey on Bulgarian meeting

2.    1.Did you take part in the events of the Youth Involvement In Europe meeting in Bucharest?
A) Yes  B) No  C) In some of them
2. Did you take part in the preparations and organization of events?
A) Yes B) No C) In some of them
3. Do you find such meetings useful?
A) Yes  B) No C) To a certain extent
4.What skills and competences did you practice and apply during the visit?
A) English B) communicative skills C) artistic skills D) all of them E) neither of them
5. Did communication with peers from other countries break stereotypes and help you get rid of prejudice?
A} Yes B) No C) To a certain extent
6. Did those meetings make you more tolerant to cultural diversity and other people` s  differences ?
7. How would you define the  2nd YOU IN EU  meeting ?
A)Beneficial(useful) B)Exciting and touching C) Unforgettable D) Boring E) Nothing much /you can circle more than one answer/
8. Would you take part in another meeting like that?
A) Yes B) No  C) Perhaps
9. Do you think such projects are worth doing?
A) Yes B) No D) To a certain extent
10.Which of the events did you like most?
A) Visiting places;
B) Welcoming;
C) Colympics and all the sports activities;
D) the International Symposium in the Palace of Children;
E) Neither
F) All of them
G) Other
11. Are you more aware of the need of promoting European values by various means?
A) Yes  B) No  C)To a certain extent

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Second meeting of Youth Involvement In Europe (Our future in Europe – Join in!) project partners, Bucharest, Romania, 24th-28th March, 2014

The Bulgarian team took part in the second working meeting of the Comenius project partnership. The main event was the Colympics – sports activities in mixed nationality teams, meant to promote collaboration and the sense of belonging. Players from our team were the winner and runner-up at tennis( 1st and 2nd place), Petar`s team was first at basketball. Our presentation in all forms of the international symposium Our future in Europe – Join in! was admired by  partners, participants and guests! We came back home with a lot of happy memories, diplomas, gifts and friends!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Inauguration of the bassrelief of our patron and awarding ceremony

After the inauguration ceremony, winners in various competitions, including participants in Sofroniada ( Olympics dedicated to St Sofrony and part of the school-wide activities of the YOU IN EU team) and Sofronivizia  ( Sofronivision - the karaoke-singing competition, also part of the school-wide activities of the YOU IN EU team) were awarded.